MOT sensor
As promised here is a picture of the MOT sensor I detached from the Wiimote. It is NOT working though. The people from PixArt has replied me and they seems very willing to reveal. Hopefully they reveal something useful the next time they reply me.

Finger Sensing
However, there is a little progress on my finger sensing. Here is a little video showing the use of a IR emitter which was suppose to be used for night vision. I was holding the camera with one hand and using the other for finger it is a bit shaky...and apologise for the "no sound" video...dont know what to say LOL
Hopefully, when i get a better setup, my finger sensing will be able to work.
I saw some billboards at Boonlay MRT, they are a bit out of color, and seems pretty cool. It is just lacking of interactive features which I will be implementing wahahah.
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